Siddhasthali Rural Community Hospital
Not-for-Profit Health System
A Project of Mountain Heart Nepal
Reg No: 209031
Hospital Marg, Hetauda-6,
PO Box: 8108
Phone No: 977 57530566
Admin: 9855032566
E: [email protected]
Anonymous Incident Report
We at Siddhasthali Rural Community Hospital are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for patients, staff and visitors.
Error prevention, learning from errors and building a culture of safety involving health care professionals, patients and their visitors are important factors that are considered by Siddhasthali Rural Community Hospital.
Therefore, if anyone has experienced a near miss or incidents or any hazardous situation or noticed any practice which has the potential of causing harm of any kind, please submit a brief description of the situation in the interest of safety whether related to our service, personnel or environment. Your recommendations, if any, will be welcomed.
Remember that an adverse event can be corrected before it contributes to costs and suffering. There is no requirement to fill up your particulars, however, it will be welcomed, and complete protection of your identity is guaranteed.
Siddhasthali Rural Community Hospital
Not-for-Profit Health System
A Project of Mountain Heart Nepal
Reg No: 209031
Hospital Marg, Hetauda-6,
PO Box: 8108
Phone No: 977 57530566
Admin: 9855032566
E: [email protected]