Robust research studies enable sustainable healthcare. We recognise that we cannot develop all the tools needed to achieve our vision on our own, so we develop partnerships with universities and research institutions around the world.
The strengths that we bring to collaborations include a strong project management team, extensive technical expertise in the project design, implementation of research and a network of local NGOs, institutions and civil society partners. We also receive training in a wide variety of skills and receive lectures from nationally and internationally recognized leaders.
Research Opportunity for International Students
We offer the following services:
- Be a contact point for the student in the fieldwork location.
- Provide general advice about the student’s intended fieldwork plans (in terms of whether the proposed project would be feasible, appropriate and desirable).
- Provide general logistic advice on the student’s travel, accommodation, etc.
- Provide advice about any need for ethical committee clearance in the field location.
- Provide advice and guidance on data collection and act as a gatekeeper for participant recruitment.
- Source an interpreter for interviews.
- Give general advice regarding accepted and appropriate cultural practices and behaviours and the avoidance of health and safety risks in the field.
We also
Our Clinical Research support SDGs:
We are happy to provide a quotation for clinical research support services; we only need you to complete the following questionnaire. Upon submitting your answers, we will have a quote for you within 3 days.
If you have any problems or questions, please email us at [email protected]
Start your Research Journey in Nepal Now!