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Siddhasthali Rural Community Hospital receives donation of Medical Supplies from Direct Relief

    Mountain Heart Nepal facilitated the handover of donations from Direct Relief to Siddhasthali Rural Community Hospital, comprising over 3000 kilograms of essential medical goods on January 25, 2024.

    The truck driver offloading medical supplies received from Direct Relief.

    The donated critical medical supplies include resources such as Disaster Preparedness Packs, Emergency Medical Packs, Sutures, Syringes, Dressings, Surgical Masks, IV Administration Sets, and Catheters.

    This donation will significantly aid the hospital’s capacity to serve the needy, offering a broader range of medical services and ensuring that healthcare is accessible to everyone.

    We extend our deepest gratitude to Direct Relief for their generosity and commitment to making a positive impact worldwide. Your generosity is lighting the path towards a healthier future for all.

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